74% of HR Believes Employee Recognition Should Be Crowdsourced. Do You?

The Future of Workforce Performance: Crowdsourced Social Recognition

Don’t miss Eric Mosley’s killer session on Wednesday at the SHRM Annual Conference at Wednesday from 10-11:15 AM and visit the Globoforce booth, 3342 and talk to Eric about how his new book is shattering old performance and recognition paradigms.  Social is the New Recognition & Recommendation Letter Having just finished my webinar today on Beyond Facebook. How […]

5 Easy Steps to Building Your Life Plan As Told by a Project Manager

Life Management 101: A Guide by a Neurotic Project Manager

Your life is a project. This is true both metaphorically and technically. Your life has a defined beginning and end. You have a scope, schedule, and budget unique to you. And if you do it right, you should leave satisfied that you’ve contributed something special. So who better than a neurotic, contingency-obsessed, ulcer-plagued Project Manager […]

Internship at Google vs Internship at Facebook

Comparison between Internship at Google & at Facebook

Curious about what its like to intern at Google vs Facebook? If so, check out the stats below for some insight. I think you will be amazed. Of course, if you are mostly interested in a Google internship, you could watch their thinly veiled recruiting video. (smile) Internship at Google vs Internship at Facebook Infographic […]

Your Employee’s Social Media Disclaimer Isn’t Enough

The Risks of Social Media in the Workplace

When it comes to employment law, there’s nearly no policy, disclaimer or employee acknowledge that can be developed or designed in 140 characters or less. Except that’s what many business leaders and counsels are leading their employees to believe through the what I call “silence is acceptance” when it comes to policies at work. Silence […]

6 Tactics for Successful Job Search in the New Economy

6 Tactics for More Effective Job Hunting

The employment numbers are out for the month of May and they continue to be dismal with unemployment at 7.6% and only 175,000 jobs added. According to a recent article, we needed an extra 12,400,000 jobs since January 2008 to accommodate population growth and job loss since January 2008 IF we want to get back […]