What is your mobile recruiting strategy?

What is your mobile recruiting strategy? Do you have a mobile recruiting strategy? If not, you are long overdue. Consider these facts… 10 Facts about the Mobile Web – An infographic by the team at iMomentous – Mobile Recruiting    

How to Avoid an Accident in the Workplace

Practicing Safety in the Workplace

Millions of accidents happen in the worlds workplaces each year; some due to pure accident, others due to outright negligence and many somewhere in between. Both employer and employee have to take their duties seriously when it comes to avoiding accidents. Employees need to be fully briefed in their duties towards one another; this can […]

Leadership: Arrogance vs. Confidence

The difference between being arrogant versus confident

I’m certain that each of you has at some time in your life have used these terms and applied them to someone you know or know of. We have applied them to fellow employees, students, friends, family members, celebrities, politicians and more. Perhaps these terms have been applied to you in the past as well. […]

6 Ways Employers Can Support Your New Year Resolutions, Work & Personal Goals

new years, resolutions, employers

I’ll admit it. Every year I make a list of New Year’s Resolutions, and every year, inevitably, some of those resolutions fall by the wayside. But strangely enough, your employer can actually help you keep those resolutions. I think it’s natural to want to make changes at the first of the year, and those changes […]

Top Ten Tips & Don’ts When Searching for a Job

Learning From Our Mistakes When Searching For a Job

Resume Blunders and Interview No-no’s that have personally ticked us off, or were just all around a “bad idea.”  These are some “in real life” faux-pas that we had the joy of experiencing as a recruiter and job hunter ourselves.  It’s important to learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others which is why we […]