The Peter Pan Generation: Eternal Teenagers that Will Eventually Grow Up

Eternal Teenagers that Will Eventually Grow Up

The Peter Pan Generation: Eternal Teenagers that Will Eventually Grow Up (via Nvate) By Janet Martin A recent study at the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute revealed that the number of 18-year-olds who possess driver’s licenses has fallen from 80 percent to 65 percent over the last 20 years. At first, this seems like […]

Five Tips for Winning at Office Politics

Thriving and Surviving Amongst Office Politics

Thriving and Surviving Amongst Office Politics I’m tired of hearing people complain about “office politics.” Sure, nobody likes the office suck-up, the liar, the manipulator, or the guy who takes credit for work he didn’t do. Those people aren’t “playing office politics.” Those people are being jerks, and nobody likes them. Wherever there are two […]

Is Boredom the Opposite of Engagement at Work?

Boredom and Disengagement at Work

Associate professor of Strategy and Organization and blog writer for the Harvard Business Review Mark de Rond asked the question “Are you Busy at Work, but Still Bored?” He indicated that he has a job that many of us would probably envy, at least I would, yet he is bored with it. In reading his […]