Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

4 Reasons No One Will Tell You Why You Can’t Find a Job

Factors keeping you from finding a job

I was reminded again of the frustration that job seekers face for a number of reasons when a husband of a job seeker sent me an email this week.  His wife has a three year job gap because she was taking care of their children.  She’s applied for a number of jobs over the last […]

The Pop Culture Employment Law Blog Carnival

Employment Law Blog Carnival

The best approach to introduce new readers to outstanding, fascinating, and helpful blogs is through blog carnivals. I’m grateful for the growth of the employment law blog specialty during the previous two years. Because an employment law attorney and HR professionals can prevent legal problems at work. I’m honored to host the Employment Law Carnival […]

12 Best & Most Ridiculous Employer Brand & Recruiting Videos

recruiting, employer, videos, employer brand

Learn more great video recruiting and employer branding tips for employers by clicking here.  It’s true video is a great way to be able to relate, engage, and tell a story about a company culture and environment going beyond your standard careers page.  Job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than postings without […]

7 Steps to a Kick Ass Job in the New Year

Job search tips to help you land a job

Get more resume writing and cover letter tips, by downloading Blogging4Jobs’ FREE career toolkit including resume and coverletter templates.  Click here.   Kick Ass Job Search Tips The New Year is about renewal, rejuvenation, possibilities and jump starting your job search.  Historically, January is the highest month for employee turnover.  Often times managers delay involuntary terminations and […]

Learn to be Innovative in 2013

What will your company do differently in 2013?

Eighty-eight percent of companies will innovate in ways that are “totally different than ever before” in the 21st century. December is the time to finalize your 2012 performance review and begin brainstorming on your 2013 goals. Do you have an innovation goal? One of the most significant strategic challenges for any innovation effort has to do with goals. […]

Bust or Boost Your Career with this Holiday Survival Toolkit

Holiday Career Boosters

December brings the season of festive celebrations and opportunity to boost or bust your career (and likely a whole lotta post-holiday party paper work for HR managers for the soiree gone wrong).  For the budding professional or student seeking to jump start their career or hard worker looking to stand out in a crowd, this […]