Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

How to Get Your Organization Diamond Plate & Team to Sparkle

Building a Winning Team: Lessons from Baseball for Companies

In the world of baseball it is Spring Training season! The free agents have been signed, the rookies have been called up from the triple A teams, the fields are manicured, and the Mascots’ outfits have been dry cleaned. Now it’s time to dust off the cleats and get to separating the all stars from […]

Does Candidate Experience Matter

Great Candidate Interview Experience

Does Candidate Experience Matter   Even the best marketing campaign can’t make up for a poor candidate experience. Think about it, you’ve interviewed with a company and had a horrendous experience. Now every time you come across marketing for that company, you shake your head and think “yeah, right!” And like most of us, you’ve […]

Screw The BFOQ!

Outlining the specific behaviors on job descriptions

Job descriptions are one of the most important documents we can create. It outlines the requirements and duties of a position — which dictate how we advertise for the job, screen and select candidates, compensate, train and develop, and evaluate performance. Screw The BFOQ!   Much focus is given to making sure the physical, experential and […]