Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Why LinkedIn InMail Spam Is Like Not Showering Before Your First Date

As you may know, LinkedIn Recruiter recently announced changes to their service requiring that recruiters maintain a 14% response rate on their InMail messages or have their accounts suspended for 14 days. You can read about the changes by clicking here. How to Increase LinkedIn Recruiter InMail Response Rate One of the most effective ways […]

Cool LinkedIn Recruiter Alumni Search Hack

Last year, LinkedIn updated their terms of service to allow for high school age students and younger professionals to create a LinkedIn account. In the US, you can create a LinkedIn account when you are 14 years of age. This change in terms of service makes LinkedIn more attractive for companies who are recruiting and […]

Learn How to Recruit Using AngelList

recruiting, social media, angel list, recruiting candidates, free recruiting

Like with early stage investing, AngelList holds explosive possibilities for the extremely messy and noisy process of matchmaking companies with their people. Founders spend way too much time pitching their company to investors. AngelList makes it completely simple. It pares back most of the BS but preserves much of the core informational and social processes […]

Jobs with Low Stress and High Pay

List of 10 well-paid, low stress gigs

Jobs with Low Stress and High Pay By Bridget Quigg Do you feel like you’re just making it through day after grueling day of work while only barely keeping up with your bills? Maybe it’s time you considered a low stress job that pays well. They do exist, according to the fortunate folks who have […]

In Recruiting: What’s in a Name?

In Recruiting: What’s in a Name? When Juliet asked, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” she was obviously drunk with the naivety of young love. If all names smelled equally “as sweet” then we wouldn’t spend time researching, choosing, and safeguarding (so no […]