Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Ambition Should Be Embraced and Not Hidden

I met up with a friend for lunch recently. He wanted to catch up on the happenings in our lives since we hadn’t seen each other in awhile. At some point, the conversation switched to work life. I talked about my observations at my job and the ideas I have for the things I want […]

Dealing With Workplace Betrayal, Part 3 (Gossip)

workplace, betrayal, trust

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE THE CENTER OF GOSSIP For many years, I kept a tattered post-it taped to the edge of my computer monitor with one word written on it:  GOSSIP.  It lingered in my line of sight every working moment to remind me that no matter how much fun it is to […]

Dealing with Workplace Betrayal – Part 2

workplace, betrayal, trust

What to Do When Someone Steals Credit for an Idea. This is the second in a 4-part series on the all-too common occurrence of workplace betrayal.   The first post dealt with the workplace tattle, how to eliminate his or her power over you, to repair the damage done by a tattle-tale, and the best […]

Dealing With Workplace Betrayal – Part 1

workplace, betrayal, trust

If you have spent enough time in the workplace, you have probably suffered the surprise of betrayal.  I’m not talking about getting fired or not getting a promotion. Those events are par for the course for any ambitious, risk-taking, goal-oriented employee.  What I’m talking about is when a workplace friend or mentor engages in conduct […]

Do You Really Want “Attitude” Over “Aptitude”?

How Has “Attitude Over Aptitude” Played Out in Your Organizations? I’ve heard people say they would prefer to hire for attitude over aptitude, because they can teach the person how to do the job-but they can’t teach someone how to have a different attitude. This is a very absolute statement that sounds good on the […]

3 Ways to Sell Your Company Culture & Story

The people who tell the best stories land the best jobs.  The job descriptions that tell the best story attract the best people.   The companies that tell the best stories attract these people to their culture.  Culture is a constant work in progress which means your company probably has a story behind the direction […]