Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

How to Apply Strengths Finder For Your Personal & Professional Development

personal development, strengths finder

As business leaders, HR professionals and managers we are juggling a lot of people, projects, responsibilities and task in our organizational roles while also working to strike a balance outside the office and in our personal lives as well as home. It takes a village to raise a child, however I’m of the belief it […]

Human Resources Is About the High Road Not the High Horse

A couple of weeks ago, I read a local HR advice column. The content of the question isn’t as important as the content of the answer; it is in this that influenced my post today. The answer, given to the inquiring and somewhat “new” HR professional, was the ensure her own butt was figuratively covered and move forward with what […]

Applying Mindfullness to HR Requires Practice

Defining Mindfullness First, let’s define mindfullness. For the purpose of this post I’ll submit that mindfulness is a state of awareness about the situation at hand, with attention toward thoughts and feelings without judgment. Why is the suspension of judgment important for mindfulness? Because, stepping back and first witnessing an event without the burden of […]

The Rosa Parks Principle: Lead By Example

The most important action a leader can take is to set the example.  A successful business cannot sustain itself by standing still.  Today’s leaders regularly find themselves called upon to lead employees through projects that change the way business is done.  Change is scary.  Whether implementing a new technology, improving a process, reorganizing the company […]

The Three Most Powerful Words Spoken By a Leader

The Three Most Powerful Words Spoken By a Leader To be a leader is to be visible to others. If you lead, people don’t just take verbal or written direction from you, they take all the cues you leave them in your day to day work. For example, they look at when you arrive at […]

Is Your Future Job & Career More About Purpose?

I read a very interesting article from Backchannel called The Portrait of a Future Leader. An interesting article, it laid out five traits of the leader of the future. These included: High emotional intelligence (EQ) Being a proponent of a purpose driven strategy and culture Being a life-long learner Being highly diverse (which means to […]