Trust Me, I Don’t Want Your Job!

Trust Me, I Don’t Want Your Job! Trust only goes so far where it pertains to employee and employer. It’s not a whole-hearted trust, but more like an “I trust you for now” sentiment. I personally have experienced the strangest culmination of trust issues in the workplace.  My issues with one of my employer’s began […]

Learning is Work & Work is Learning: Strategies for Workers’ Evaluations

Since I work in an educational institution, yearly performance reviews occur around May, the end of the academic year if you are on a semester system. For many of us, this means going backward through emails, calendars, and files to recall the multitude of projects and tasks that we worked on throughout the year. Depending […]

The Trust Equation (A Two-Way Street)

I am pretty much logic-based, so when someone presents a formula or equation for something, I start to look for the proof. An equation, or an equality, is an assertion that the information shown on one side of the equal sign is fully the same as the information on the other side. The Trust Equation […]

No Conference Budget? No Problem!

No Conference Budget? No Problem! While on my way to a conference last weekend, I began reading 52 Cups of Coffee. The book begins with this quote: “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” – Charlie “Tremendous” Jones […]

Who Gives HR a Bad Name?

Who Gives HR a Bad Name? Allow me to share a scenario I run into regularly. “I work in HR.” Hold for sad awkward pause as the person you’re speaking with judges you. “It’s not like that. It’s much cooler than you think.” Silence. “I’m not Toby. I swear.” Am I alone in this? Has […]

It’s Time for Feminism Reform

It’s the presidential political season here in the U.S. This is the time where politicians on both sides of the aisle start talking about how they can reform various aspects of government. True reform on any political issue is rarely the result, but sometimes we take a few small steps in the right direction. This […]