Who Are the 5 Generations At Work? #fivegenwork

generations, hr, workplace, carnival

Last week I launched a new podcast series and Twitter hashtag, #fivegenwork where I dive into the discussion surrounding the reality that we now work in offices, companies and organizations that employer 5 different generations. A few weeks ago I was at dinner with a group of professionals who I had just spent the day […]

The Future of Work Is Contained In Your Smartphone

How many of you have had to travel with a laptop? It is a pain in the neck to do so. You have to make sure you have all the appropriate cords and plugs. Some people will travel with a keyboard and some even travel with an additional monitor. TSA has made taking your computer […]

Spring Cleaning at Work: 5 Ways to Start Fresh

Spring Cleaning at Work Spring is practically upon us. (Hold for collective sigh of relief) We’ve all done our fair share of spring cleaning in the past in our homes. Why stop there? This is a time of renewal. Why does New Year’s corner the market on reassessing life and goals? Let’s go for it […]

How a Nursing Degree Changes the Face of Medicine

Before you enter the field of nursing, there is one key component to consider if you seek advancement during your clinical career, and that’s earning a bachelor of science in nursing degree. Hospitals, clinics and treatment centers rely on a nurse’s knowledge and wherewithal in administering quality healthcare to patients as well as in presenting […]

The Real Value of Video Calling for Virtual Meetings

The modern world loves video. Netflix and YouTube make up a half of North America’s traffic on the Internet. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media have their own video apps. We love a lot of TV commercials, but only if we can see them online without interrupting our TV programs. But we don’t love videophone […]

5 Powerful Business & Leadership Trends You Need to Know

No matter what part of the business you are, your leadership plays not just an important role but the most important role within your company. They build the plans and strategy so that the team members can execute them. They create a vision that leads to failures and success. And that is why as part […]