Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Your Influence List Can Suck It

Achieving Online Influence

Whether it’s your Klout score, Empire Avenue stock price, or your placement upon a coveted influencer list, online influence matters.  And to achieve online influence one must have a presence using social media, content creation and curation through blogs and publications, and possibly search engine optimization.  The number of people you engage, influence, and establish […]

The Real Minus of Google+

Google+ the hype and group of individuals

If you have been living under a rock or are just not social media savvy, you may not heard about Google+ which is Google’s newest foray into the social media platform industry.  Called Google Plus, the platform which is only accessible via invite has surpassed 10 million users in just over two weeks.  The shear […]

Steamed — Employment Law Attorneys & Social Media

I’ve reached my boiling point.  I’m steaming mad.  Dear Mr. or Ms. Employment Law Attorney, Facebook is not going away.  Social media is here to stay, and if you block it, your employees will find a way.  I’m through with hearing employment law attorneys who are social media novices stand up and recommend that managers […]

The Essential Job Seeker Toolkit & More

In 2007, I started blogging here at Blogging4Jobs with the intention of providing job seekers information, resources, and insights into why they couldn’t get the job.  As a corporate HR and Recruiting pro, my hands were tied.  Attorneys advised me from giving you the real reason you didn’t get the job for fear it could […]

Chicken Little — The Job Boards Are Failing

Will Social Recruiting Kill Job Opportunities and Job Openings on Website Boards?

Will Social Recruiting Kill Job Opportunities and Job Openings on Website Boards? The Job Boards Are Failing.  Have you heard?  And more importantly, how could you have not heard? There’s been a lot of banter, discussion, and revelation about job boards and their impending failure and doom as an effective source for employers to hire […]

Win a Trip to Orlando by Joining B4J Mobile Club

Blogging4Jobs Mobile Club

Win a Trip to Orlando by Joining B4J Mobile Club As I’m adapting to the different technologies and tools, I’m particularly intrigued and interested in the mobile communication side.  It’s because of that I’m officially launching the mobile side of Blogging4Jobs. Readers can opt into receive mobile alerts via text right to their mobile phones. […]