Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Job Searching on Social Networks – Yay or Nay?

Benefits and potential pitfalls of using social media for professional purposes

With the explosion of social media it seems that individuals and companies alike are using social networks to make personal and business connections. From tweeting customer complaints to maintaining photo albums on Facebook, it has become the norm to take everyday tasks to a social medium.  But what about job searching? Countless employers and recruiters […]

Dear Job Seeker, It’s Really Not All About You

Interviewer wants to know how you will benefit them

What “So tell me about yourself” really means? It’s usually the first question you hear at a job interview: “Job Seeker, so, tell me a little about yourself.” A lot of us take this as an invitation to wow the interviewer about how cool we really are. Besides being qualified for this position, they’ll really […]

The Art of the Job Search

Gap Analysis for Job Seekers

The job search is a process.   A process that involves training, strategy, and patience.  Much like an artist works to craft and design their masterpiece.  The planning and strategy involved with your job search should begin no less than six months prior to when your job search begins.  These preparations involved include fostering relationships, establishing […]

Part 2 — Is Being Muslim Keeping Me From Getting Job?

Does Religion Affect Your Job Search?

Yesterday, I posed a question from one of my readers.  She’s actively looking for a job in the human resource industry, speaks fluent English and Arabic, and is active in her Woman’s Muslim Association.  She wondered if mentioning these small pieces of information might be hurting her job search. Little did I know that yesterday […]

Is Being Muslim Keeping Me From Getting a Job?

Does Religion Affect Your Job Search?

Is Being Muslim Keeping Me From Getting a Job? Sometimes readers send me questions looking for career advice or thoughts on a particular topic.  A couple weeks ago, I received one email that stopped me in my tracks.  I’m posting the question for you, my readers to answer.  On Tuesday, (tomorrow) I’ll post my answer […]

The Essential Job Seeker Toolkit & More

In 2007, I started blogging here at Blogging4Jobs with the intention of providing job seekers information, resources, and insights into why they couldn’t get the job.  As a corporate HR and Recruiting pro, my hands were tied.  Attorneys advised me from giving you the real reason you didn’t get the job for fear it could […]