Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

How to Identify and Handle Low Performers

how to identify and handle low performers

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and a company is only as strong as its lowest-performing employees. At first, this analogy may appear to be an overreach—after all, how can one or even a handful of poorly performing workers affect the success of an entire organization? However, according to data from […]

Build A Better Relationship With Your Boss

workplace relationships, better boss

Relationships are hard work no matter matter what the type of connection it is. Some of the hardest social interactions are those within the work environment, due to minimized control over who our coworkers are combined with the high stakes of needing those relationships to succeed. As an employee and as a boss, I’ve seen […]

Can Tech Increase Workplace Diversity?

#wocintechchat, workforce diversity, diversity

Blind recruiting is a trending topic in HR. Part of the buzz is being generated by new software technologies that promise to remove gender and ethnic bias from the hiring process. Products range from software that crafts gender-free vacancy announcements to platforms that facilitate blind job auditions. All claim to be the key to merit-based […]

How to Increase Workforce Racial Diversity

workplace diversity, diversity work, work diversity, racial diversity, racial diversity work, racial diversity workplace,

Racial diversity in the workplace – from recruiting to hiring to promoting people of color – continues to move at an unimpressive pace. And if LinkedIn’s annual workplace diversity report is any indication, the needle is moving so slowly that it appears to be broken. Among the company’s 6,435 employees, 5 per cent are Latino, and 3 […]

6 Ways to Inspire Your Remote Team

This blog originally appeared on the Economist’s Executive Career blog. The author, John Rampton, is an entrepreneur, investor, online marketing guru and startup enthusiast. He is founder of online payments company Due. Working from home is no longer a pipe dream. As evidenced by the 54 million freelancers in the U.S. alone and 103% increase in regular work-at-home jobs since 2005, working […]

6 Ways to Advance Gender Equality in the C-Suite

gender equality, c-suite, advancement,

This blog first appeared on The Economist’s Executive Education blog here. The author, Kate Rodriguez  is a former senior career search researcher and government analyst who covers career development and higher education marketing for The Economist Careers Network. In 2016 top management still looks old-school. Despite research showing that professional women have the same leadership aspirations as men […]