Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

The Problem with Open Office Plans

Supporters of open office plans point to such arrangements as fostering teamwork and building camaraderie. The thought is that without walls, co-workers have easier access to share ideas with each other, which could lead to innovation. In reality, open office plans can be noisy and full of distractions. While an open office plan may be […]

HR Best Practices: Going Beyond Minimum Requirements

Employment laws are modified annually. This requires HR professionals to evaluate employee handbooks and rules on a regular basis and update them as necessary to be in compliance. Although it may be alluring, your organization may not always benefit from modifying your policy to satisfy the bare minimal standards. Understanding How Planned Change and Requirements […]

Hiring & Retention in a High Turnover Workplace

High Turnover Limits Business Success High turnover can cost a company time and money. A revolving door of employees makes it difficult to achieve consistency in service, inhibits growth and directs resources to hiring and training new employees that could be used elsewhere. Employees have more options for a new job outside the company now […]

Training Employees on Customer Service with Employee Empowerment

Customer service can make or break a business. Earning a good reputation for customer service starts with interviewing and hiring customer-oriented employees, but it also requires having a philosophy that emphasizes and supports a customer-focused environment. For HR, that means setting up training so that new hires understand customer service and your company culture. Employee […]

Updating the Breakroom: Set Up, Policies & Keeping it Clean

employee, break room, break room policies

Perhaps second only to complaints about the thermostat temperature in offices, break rooms are often a cause for griping in workplaces. Whether the break room is inadequate (or nonexistent), employees are messy or someone ate a coworker’s lunch, this small space can cause frustration. The funny thing is that in all my years of working in […]

Salary Negotiation: When to Talk Money in the Hiring Process

It seems that the most mysterious part of the hiring process is salary. How do you approach salary negotiation? When do you bring up salary? How much should a candidate ask for? How to you navigate the seemingly endless number of salary negotiation tips from experts? Should an employer list salary on a job posting?   […]