Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Google’s Lessons About Resuscitating Management

The tech world is known for its rebellious attitude towards everything that represents the conventional corporation (try to find one Googler wearing a suit and tie). Offices equipped with slides and nap pods scream that this is not your parent’s workplace. In this environment, management is often seen as a bastion of the old workplace […]

5 Leaders Share Lessons for First-Time Managers

leadership, management

Good leadership is an essential for any successful company, but it’s not always easy for junior or first-time managers to adapt to their role. Many times, leaders look back on their career and have a whole host of new insights and knowledge they wish they’d known all along. When we started Impraise 3 years ago, […]

These Are the Communication Skills Managers Need

communication skills, managers

Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, keeping up effective communication within your team is an absolute must. Being a great communicator is important, not only for coaching and giving clear guidelines, but also for building trust and employee engagement. Gallup found that the most highly engaged employees communicate with their managers on a daily […]

Overcoming Everyday Leadership Challenges

leadership, management, #wocintech chat

Overcoming Everyday Leadership Challenges There are many challenges that all managers face. Whilst these challenges can arise at any point in a manager’s career, they can be particularly prevalent for newer or first-time managers. We’ve compiled a handy list of these challenges with tips on how to combat them, become the best manager possible, and […]

3 Tips for Developing First Time Managers

first time managers, development, leadership, mentoring

Whilst there are many things which can influence the success of your team, a great manager is a key factor when it comes to keeping people motivated and on the road to success, either as individuals, a team, or an organization. An effective manager can make all the difference between a successful team and one […]