Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

From the Experts: Why Employment Branding Is So Important

Five thousand people from across the globe signed up to watch the live stream. In a hotel conference room overlooking San Francisco, there were more than 100 recruitment marketing and talent acquisition professionals. For what? The inaugural Glassdoor Employment Branding Summit featuring many of the 2013 social recruiting Talent Warriors and industry thought leaders. In […]

6 Ways to Rock Your Fall Campus Recruiting

Ah, the fall! I love it. Everything about it: pumpkin spice lattes, fall scented candles, pumpkin carving, boots, and back to school time. As someone who’s made a transition from being on the ground as a college recruiter to a behind the scenes role in employer branding, it’s not often that I get back on […]

Social Moms Are Responsible Teachers: They’re S.M.A.R.T.

We sat around the conference room table, some dialed into the conference line, spending our lunch hour listening to a guest speaker. She was there to talk about a subject that continues to frighten many: social media and our children. “I wish I could put my kids in a bubble with a slot for library books and […]

Recruiters: Don’t Assume Candidates Are Drinking Your Kool-Aid

Recruiters: Don’t Assume Candidates Are Drinking Your Kool-Aid “What do the best recruiters do?” That was a question that I posed to several recruiting heavy-hitters last week during a D.C. area happy hour. And, if there is one thing that recruiters love talking about over drinks, it’s recruiting. So, out of the mouths of industry […]

Are Your Employees Positively Amplifying Your Brand?

More than 700 YouTube videos are shared every minute on Twitter. If Facebook were a country, it would be third largest in the world. Every second, two new people join LinkedIn. And, social media is the number one activity on the Web. It’s no wonder that social media is social business, and a critical way […]

Employers Must Influence Today’s College Students

Two main messages come to mind in recruitment marketing: We’re Hiring and We’re a Great Place to Work. Now, if the majority of companies spend a majority of their time conveying these two statements on campuses across the country, are we all, in some way or another, contributing to the dilution of our employer brands? […]