Unleash the Power of an Informational Interview

Finding an internship or first job can be a challenging experience. Your best sources of employment leads are usually your own university or your own personal network. Colleges and universities are organized to help you through Career Services, Internship Centers, and academic departments. If you want to work geographically far from your university, you will […]

How Internships Can Benefit Veterans

Over one million young American men and women are in the process of leaving the military between 2011 and 2016.  They all enlisted for different reasons, but many did so in hopes of getting a college degree after their military service commitment was completed. American college campuses are now adjusting to this influx of unique […]

Employers Wish List of Qualities for Entry Level Hires

The news is chock full of stories about employers bemoaning the experience level and skills of college graduates. Additionally, many companies have downgraded their corporate training budgets and programs for new hires. This has been happening over the past five years.  College students are often caught in this experience gap, unless they have had some […]

Job Seekers Guide to Referrals, Leads, Recommendations and Endorsements

I recently worked with a terrific young graduate who told me that despite going online every day and having many referrals, he was frustrated with his job search. Upon closer examination, I learned that his referrals were really just email addresses provided by previous employers and contacts.  Having an email address for a target company […]

Career Fair Tips for the Job Seeker

Did you just notice a flyer for a career or internship fair at your school? Your college or university may have a fair on campus or in a nearby city with other schools. A career or internship fair is a great way to make valuable connections with employers! Career Fair Tips for the Job Seeker […]

6 Ways to Network with College Alumni

College connections are always among the best. We spend four years there and most of us make meaningful relationships along the way. You can also extend those great vibes after college by reaching out to fellow alumni. 6 Ways to Network with College Alumni Use Career Services: Consider using your college sponsored resources whether you […]