Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Karma will Help Women Get a Raise… If They Ask For It

Last week, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella told a predominantly female crowd at the Grace Hopper Celebration in Computing that by not asking for a raise, they would be creating good karma for themselves and eventually would be rewarded for it. This statement all at once demonstrates a bad understanding of karma, of gender inequalities in […]

3 Often-Missed Data Points in Analyzing Wellness Programs

Corporate wellness plans seem to be becoming the norm, rather than the exception in the US especially amongst those started in the last 15 years. Once, health insurance was the extent of a company’s wellness plan, now, new employees are expecting healthy meal options, on-site gyms, and other perks to help boost their well-being. With […]

Workaholism: Are We Addicted to Work?

27% of US office workers also put in work between 10PM and 6AM (like this post here…). Nearly one out of every three people are putting in their daily 8+ hours IN the office and then coming home and doing more work before they go back the next day. In Norway, a nationally representative survey […]

A Bully of a Boss Bears Bad Fruit for the Entire Team

The phrase “People join companies and leave bosses” is as true today as it was 30 years ago with over 50% of  job seekers planning to leave their current job sometime this year doing so because of their boss. Just like with a cold being passed silently from one person to another, the toxic effects of […]

Office Chairs Kill Your Creativity & Your Employees

Office Chairs Kill Your Creativity & Your Employees Chairs have been a part of office life for hundreds of years. What has changed though, is the shear number of hours we are spending in them every day. Then we spend more time on the couch when we get home doing further damage. All this sitting […]

Haters Gonna Hate… And Perform Well

Ask an obvious question “What’s a hater gonna do?” and get an obvious answer. “Haters gonna hate.” But an interesting twist to that question has just been answered comparing “haters” and “likers” at work and shows that haters may actually be more focused on their tasks (and even perform better) than their more congenial counterparts. […]