Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Quit Fantasizing About Quitting and Burning It All to the Ground

A woman won the lottery and celebrated by defecating on her boss’s desk. So the story goes. The internet reacted with cheers and/or scorn, depending on each person’s own secret dreams and resentments. The story, it turns out, is just a story. The original report of the incident is so exaggerated you’d think it would be […]

If You Have Humans, You Need Human Resources

Is it time to talk about the end of/death of/extermination with prejudice of HR again? Oh great! I know, I know, “everyone hates HR” just like “everyone hates lawyers,” so when the mandatory seasonal think pieces on the much-looked-for death of HR come along, we’re supposed to take our knocks and accept it as due. Some of […]

Lego Death Threats: A Firing Offense

Is it ok to threaten your colleagues? No, of course not. But there’s always someone looking for a loophole in that simple truth. What if I just JOKED about threatening them? Still no. Or… threatening shadow puppets! That would be ok, right? Nope nope nope. Lego Death Threats: A Firing Offense   But here’s a […]

Carnival at Work: Engaging Five Generations in the Workplace #fivegenwork

generations, hr, workplace, carnival

Hello and welcome to the Carnival of HR. This month’s theme is the Five Generation Workplace or #fivegenwork on Twitter. This month we’re all about talking about generations, how we can work together and just be better human beings. We’ve broken up the carnival of HR into a number of different areas including: 1) Talking […]

New Study Shows that Leaning Into Negotiations Doesn’t Always Work for Women

Last week Christine L. Exley, Muriel Niederle and Lise Vesterlund published a new study on “leaning in.” They wanted to know how and when leaning in might benefit women – and when it might not. What they found is that gathering your confidence and pushing harder does work sometimes, but other times it can have […]

On #EqualPayDay Dig Deeper into the Pay Gap’s Complexities

Yesterday Facebook and Microsoft announced that they have reached gender pay parity, hoping, I imagine, to get ahead of today’s Equal Pay Day discussions. There’s good reason for Facebook and Microsoft to make preemptive announcements, as the tech industry has been in the news too much lately for being too white, too male and too willing […]