55% of Americans Are Cool with their LGBTQ Coworkers

55% of ameeicans are cool with their lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, quer coworkers

According to a new study, 55% of Americans are ok with their LGBTQ coworkers… but what about the other 45%? Propeller Insights and Bospar Public Relations polled 1010 Americans about gender, sexuality, and their attitudes to their LGBTQ colleagues. They found that the majority of respondents had no preference about their colleagues’ gender identity or sexual […]

Making a Seasonal Hiring Plan for Small Business

Many small firms hire hundreds of thousands of Americans on short-term contracts throughout the year and rely significantly on seasonal labor. A thorough hiring plan will help you optimize and get the most out of the process, whether you’re a food and agriculture business looking to grow its ranks during the harvest, a retail business […]

Encourage Your Employees to Go On Vacation

In 2017 20% of Americans skipped out on a summer holiday. Some of them were banking their vacation days for a later, more important holiday. But others, especially those in workplaces with flexible and unlimited vacation policies, just weren’t taking vacation days at all. While employees taking less time off and focusing more on the […]

What’s the Difference Between a Job Description and a Job Post?

You ever read a job post that reads so dry it’s like it came straight out of a company document? So dull that your eyes glaze over and the posting is immediately dismissed from your memory? You definitely have. I know, because I read postings like that everyday, by well-meaning managers, owners and HR newbies, […]

Can Employees Play a Part in Small Business Hiring?

can employees play a part in small business hiring

Meet the team interviews and tryouts are increasingly common in the tech industry. In some organizations, team members play as important a role as human resources and managers, casting the final ballot on cultural fit and qualifications. The advantage of involving employees in the hiring process is that, by leveraging their expertise as well as […]

Understanding the Employee Turnover Formula

hr small business basics: understanding turnover

The employee turnover formula is an easy but essential tool that too many small businesses neglect. It’s step one in building a strategic hiring plan and streamlining your human resources process. Until you understand what your turnover is and when it spikes, your hiring plan is reactive, not proactive. And while you’re in that reactive […]