Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Your Candidate Anti-Engagement Strategy

Job Candidates, Employment Offers, Retention Strategies and Letters of Rejection

Job Candidates, Employment Offers, Retention Strategies and Letters of Rejection An excellent friend of mine had an interview earlier this week for a multi-location long-term care company’s HR Director position. Tammy was having her second interview for a job when I spoke with her, and she seemed optimistic about getting hired. She even asked with […]

The Girl Who Can’t Say No

The art of Saying No and Not Saying Yes to Everything

One of my biggest faults as a human being is also one of my greatest gifts.  I can’t say no. Even if that means I’m constantly working to catch up, I know how to avoid chasing tail and I understand the art of saying no, I just have to do it. But still, I can’t say no. […]

How to Write Social Media Policies: Brand Management

Using Social Media Today for Brand Development

In Part 1 of “How to Write Social Media Policies Series,” I discussed the myths around social media.  In Part 2, I outlined paid and free social media monitoring tools organizations can use, and in Part 3, I share some scenarios that companies and HR teams may have already encountered when Branding on social media networks. Using Social […]

War For Talent & Zero Unemployment

Zero Unemployment as a platform and tool

What is Zero Unemployment? I don’t get it. Zero Unemployment is a numerical and mathematical improbability.  It just can’t happen.  A quick Google search finds economists and college case studies and papers.  And yet you may find yourself on the Zero Unemployment Facebook Page or visiting the @zeroue or the #zeroue Twitter stream. Zero Unemployment […]

Economy Drives Happiness, Jobs, & Divorce

Improved Economy drives Improved Lifestyles

Late last summer my husband and I took our first vacation together in nearly 2 years.  Like many we had been affected by the shitty economy and spent time at home instead of traveling across the world to faraway lands.  I also drank many less Starbucks carmel mocchiattos.  Maybe as an employee in your organization, […]

Part 2 — How to Write Social Media Policies: Social Media Monitoring

Get to Know Your Social Media Monitoring Tools

This is Part 2 of a Social Media Policies Series.  In How to Write Social Media Policies Part 1, we discussed myths around your corporate social media policy.  In Part 2, we continue the discussion diving into social media monitoring tools and research involved before you craft your corporate social media policies for employees.  Get to […]