Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Ep 40 – HR’s Role in STEM

Episode 40: HR’s Role in STEM with Paul Belliveau Having had the pleasure of meeting Paul last year at the 2014 Annual SHRM Conference, he is very passionate in his mission of strategic HR as well as HR’s involvement in the future and talent development of STEM. I’m very excited to be talking with him […]

25 Entertaining Employee Reviews From Glassdoor and Indeed

employee review, employee glassdoor, indeed

Whether you’re acting as a passive job seeker or you’re actively looking for a job Glassdoor and/or Indeed is one of the greatest pieces of information to get insights into a company before you take the first interview. Be warned. Some of these reviews can be interesting to say the least. Potential Perk has pointed […]

Why Your Email Recruiting Outreach Doesn’t Work

As the years go by, I find that email becomes less and less of a useful tool for me, and I’m not alone. While it’s true that we all still use email at work, we’ve also moved many of those conversations that once took place in email to other platforms. From texting to Gchat to […]

10 Suprising Contractor Work Facts & Statistics

10 Surprising Contractor Work Facts & Statistics My work has placed me at an interesting intersection where I am working and consulting in the HR and recruiting industries while also being an independant contractor and member of the contingent workforce. The independent workforce is called a lot of different things: freelancer, contract worker, project based […]

Motivate Employees By Eliminating Performance Reviews

Say Goodbye to the Appraisal Process Have you ever come across a company that doesn’t do performance reviews or appraisal process? Have you ever come across anyone on the giving or receiving side who genuinely enjoys the annual performance review process? Have you ever found an HR professional who enjoys managing the whole appraisal process? […]

Ep 39 – What’s Important in #SocialRecruiting with Andy Headworth

When it comes to using social media sites for recruitment and hiring, we still have a long way to go. Our use and application is still in it’s infancy. I was one of those early adopters first using dating websites to recruit candidates in 2001. I had success with forums, chat rooms and Myspace. That […]