What Does the Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary Mean for your Business?

What Does the Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary Mean for your Business?   Did you know people with disabilities comprise the largest minority group in America according to the Disability Funder’s Network? In fact it’s the only minority group that anyone of us can become a member of at any time. July 26, 2015 marks […]

How to Find Disabled Adults Through an Employment Agency

What happens when an employment agency or nonprofit calls your company inquiring about your disability hiring practices? What do you say: are you truthful about your hiring policies or do you disregard the application? There are many benefits to hiring people with disabilities- from the added tax incentives to increased morale in the office; there are […]

How Hiring People With Disabilities Can Help Your Bottom Line

Did you know April is Autism Awareness Month? All month-long people across the world are taking the time to promote autism awareness and acceptance, as well as celebrating the success of individuals who have overcome autistic barriers in the workplace. According to Autism Speaks, the unemployment rate for adults with autism is 85%. Why should […]

Disability Etiquette: How to Welcome People With Disabilities

Ways To Create Disability Etiquette in HR Recruiting Imagine you have no experience working or interacting alongside people with disabilities. It may seem like a big challenge to brainstorm recruiting techniques or write disability policies for your organization. Ideally, we’ve all had some experience with disabled individuals, as one out of every six people in […]

How to Guide for the Americans with Disabilities Act at Work

Understanding the legislation around disabilities in the workplace can feel very overwhelming. Where do you begin? Gaining basic knowledge about the Americans with Disabilities Act and reasonable accommodation will help you create a manageable action plan for your company. What is reasonable accommodation? It’s a modification or adjustment to the work environment to make the workplace […]

Improve Your Disability Practices from These Top Six Disability-Friendly Organizations

Did you know one out of six people has some type of disability? That makes one billion people with disabilities worldwide, according to the World Health Organization in 2013. With that in mind, has your company implemented ways to become more disability-friendly? There are many opportunities to make a work environment accessible for people with […]