Be Fluent in Sarcasm

Being Fluent in Sarcasm

Last night sipping red wine with my two sisters, Julie, my youngest sister casually said this, “Be fluent in sarcasm.”  It resonated with me.  Not only because she is one of the funniest and most carefree people I know, but because we were discussing the topic of growing older and responsibility.  Even though we’re getting older, […]

I Kan Spel Gud. A Story About Blogging, Life & Living.

A Story on Blogging, Life & Living

Quick to faultfind and slow to praise. In 2008, I got my first unfavorable blog comment from someone who complained about my misspellings and lack of editing. They advised me to stop blogging entirely because I wasn’t being professional and paying attention to the little things. I felt terrible. It was the first unfavorable blog […]

Naive Intensions Are Good for Business

Naive Intensions Are Good for Business

I’ve always been a believer that assumptions keep us from missing out on great opportunities and that making judgements only causes strife, anger, and anxiety.  The world is a sad, sad place when we go around thinking that people aren’t genuine and that miracles can’t happen. They can and do every single day. Naive Intensions […]

There’s No Such Thing as Monsters

Monsters In The Workplace

Last night my 2 1/2 year old daughter, asked me a question, I wasn’t prepared for.  “Mommy, are the monsters coming?” said Ryleigh.  I quickly picked my jaw up off the floor and told her, “No honey.  There are no such thing as monsters.” I lied. Monsters In The Workplace In the work place as […]

Are Blog RSS Subscribers Making a Comeback?

Blog RSS Subscribers Increase

As part of my mission in training and teaching people on how to leverage social media for their business including human resource professionals, I’m writing several foundation social media topics over time.  This is one of those posts for the ToolBox HR resource site.   Blog RSS Subscribers Increased? Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen a […]

Your Influence List Can Suck It

Achieving Online Influence

Whether it’s your Klout score, Empire Avenue stock price, or your placement upon a coveted influencer list, online influence matters.  And to achieve online influence one must have a presence using social media, content creation and curation through blogs and publications, and possibly search engine optimization.  The number of people you engage, influence, and establish […]