LinkedIn Profile for College Students and Recent Graduates

You know by now that your future employers will be checking you out online. You may have already cleaned up the party photos on Facebook and changed your privacy settings. Now you need to project a professional online presence that employers can view. Before you start searching “find me an essay writer online,” start with […]

Top 7 Tips for LinkedIn Native Video

top 7 tips for linkedin native video

Have you noticed the lights, camera, and action now on the LinkedIn home feed? The LinkedIn native video capability was introduced in August 2017 and history was made!  Talk about driving engagement with so many great new features! The popularity of LinkedIn video is part of a much broader trend. By 2020, online video is […]

Employers Wish List of Qualities for Entry Level Hires

The news is chock full of stories about employers bemoaning the experience level and skills of college graduates. Additionally, many companies have downgraded their corporate training budgets and programs for new hires. This has been happening over the past five years.  College students are often caught in this experience gap, unless they have had some […]

Attitude Adjustment in 5 Easy Steps

workplace, attitude, adjustment

One of the most important things about your brand is your attitude. People want to be around confident, motivated, polite, friendly, helpful and happy people. Not surprisingly, those are the same kind of people who normally get hired first. Write down the exact words that you want people to say to describe your personality. Attitude […]

Steal With Your Eyes For a Great Interview

There’s nothing like an interview to soak up critical Intel and propel your job search.  As a professional sales person calling on corporations, I learned early to “steal with my eyes”.  This information gathering technique helped me land many new customers because I came to solve real problems. Nowadays, you can also steal with your […]