Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

HR Learning From Healthcare

My wife underwent surgery recently. This provided me the chance to spend days at a time hanging out in a hospital. My intention was to be present to meet my wife’s needs in any way. I couldn’t help but watch everything that was happening there with keen interest. Their procedures and processes piqued my interest, […]

Carrots Vs. Carrot Sticks & Your Company Wellness Program

Wellness programs across the US have been gaining in use to reduce company borne healthcare costs and improving the wellbeing and engagement of its employees. After four years of arguing, the Affordable Care Act (also known as the ACA and pejoratively as Obamacare) went into law and gave companies, the primary means of coverage for working […]

You’ve Risen To Your Highest Level of Incompetence

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. -Laurence J. Peter – The Peter Principle You’ve done it! You’ve made it to the show. You’ve been recognized for your genius and dedication. Your performance has been stellar. You’ve been promoted! Good for you.  Now get to work…your life just got […]

6 Signs Your HR Processes are in Need of a Makeover

Life is complicated enough without the addition of workplace stress. Sadly, much of our professional headache is due to the necessary evil of process and the square box routines we fit ourselves into. And in HR, we’re notorious for process overload. Not All Processes Are Created Equal Organizations need process to be successful, organized and […]

Should You Embrace Transparent Wage Policies?

A common policy found in many businesses is a prohibition against the disclosure of wage information. This type of policy serves the purpose of preventing workers from battling with HR and each other over who is getting paid what and why. Keeping wages under wraps also prevents employee jealousy about managerial and executive salaries. After […]

Follow Your Passion AND Your Personality for Job Success

passion, personality, job success

Would you continue at your current job if you were no longer paid to do it? If not, what would you be willing to do without pay? Finding one’s passion will inspire you even without pay, but it isn’t the only thing you need to be engaged and successful in your work. Over the next […]