Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Don’t Panic: The Issue With The War For Talent Is You

How long will you ruminate about the “war for talent”? Don’t panic, I will make it all easier by being your therapist and explaining why the problem is “you”, the leader. This “war for talent” has been described as being the complete undoing of companies who don’t anticipate their workforce needs and engage with the […]

4 Ways to Recruit for the Best Culture Fit

You’ve worked hard to build the culture of your organization. And every new hire can either strengthen or weaken that culture. If you hire employees who don’t fit your culture, they likely won’t work as well with other employees, which will diminish teamwork and lead to inefficiency and less innovating products and services. Hiring employees […]

My Kids Won’t Dust

I was dusting the other day…I hate dusting…and all the while, I was thinking to myself, “I have two children…why aren’t THEY dusting?” I pondered that as I dusted off bookcases, dusted in between the rails on the chairs, tables and beds, and wiped down nearly all of the picture frames. My Kids Won’t Dust […]

Backstage Leadership

Backstage Leadership Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes. There is the leadership of blazing the trail, and there is the leadership of coaching others to blaze the trail. Many people consider leadership to be the position out in front, leading the way for others. There are leadership roles, however, that are invisible to many, […]

Leadership Karma

I recently reconnected with some old colleagues and coworkers and learned about the fates of a few “leaders” I had the pleasure of serving under at various points in my career. These leaders I’m referring about were cunning, evil beings who delighted in pestering me and others while attempting to collectively ruin the careers of […]

3 Keys to Buidling Trust & Communication at Work

I once had a friend from grad school say to me, “You’re pretty cool .. even though you work in HR.” Stunned and confused, I replied, “Um… I’m not sure what that means.” He went on to say, “We’ll I don’t like HR people. I just don’t trust them … or anyone in management.”  All […]