Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Meeting Employees Needs Where They Are

We must meet employees where they are if we are to successfully help them. This entails taking into account the requirements of the workforce while developing policies and initiatives. We can occasionally feel tethered to our desks when working in HR. We occasionally neglect to take the time to determine what our employees actually need […]

The Challenge of the Future is the Ability to Adapt to Change

The Challenge of the Future is the Ability to Adapt to Change   It is not secret that radical change is coming in the next 10 to 20 years. Numerous people, including me, have written about this. Futurist and author James Canton writes “The future of business will not look like anything you have seen […]

Chief Human Resources Officer Turnover Expected to Be 50% in 2015

HR grew up in throws of process, compliance and risk aversion. We were not promoted to be bold, brazen or assertive. We were hired, promoted and trained to be administrative. This is the fundamental challenge in the future of HR. We are not bold. Either we step up to the challenge or the future HR […]

Top 10 Companies Using Instagram for Employer Branding

instagram, hiring, recruiting, companies

*This post was updated as of January 2017 to reflect follower counts and those companies active on Instagram.  People love pictures. Since Instagram was founded back in 2010 the idea of sharing a story of your life with pictures has become the newest crave. It wasn’t long before employers started using Instagram to share their […]

3 Signs You Are Not Growing as a Manager & Workplace Leader

3 Signs You Are Not Growing as a Manager Unless your career progressed through a formal management-training program, chances are you became good at your chosen vocation, matured as a businessperson and were promoted into management by default. People are often promoted into management because many executives believe it’s easier to learn management skills than […]

4 Ways to Recruit Smarter and Faster

Need to make a new hire in a hurry? Or feel like you have had a job listing up for longer than you’d like? You’re not alone. When a firm needs to fill a position, yesterday is often not soon enough. But sourcing, recruiting and hiring the right person traditionally takes a long time. If […]