Social & Workplace Influence–When the Grapevine is Good (Part I)

The positive power of gossip in the workplace

Call it whatever you like, the grapevine, water cooler, gossip, or the rumor mill.  Conversations among co-workers happen.  As human beings, we are social creatures who crave community, engagement, and interaction.  Whether it’s talking shop about the boss, layoff rumors after a less than satisfying quarterly earnings report, or gossip about Susie in Accounting and […]

Special Thank You to Those That Rely on Charm &Good Looks

Charm & Good Looks Will Only Take You So Far

Thank you to the hard sellers, posers, underqualified, over-enthusiastic, and those that rely solely on their charm and good looks.  Thank you for the bottom of my heart.  You’re lack of dedication and preparation is what has helped me catapult my business.  Your lack of seriousness has allowed me amazing opportunities and a chance to […]

How Real Is Reality?

Our perception is our own reality.

A study developed by Oregon State University reports that on average, 45 percent of Americans watch reality television. Does this statistic shock you? The report also states that the majority of the 45% are adults, ages 18 to 29 years old, or a big portion of genY. The oldest reality television show dates back to the 1950s […]

Employee Handbook – Protecting at Will Employment

Characteristics of an Employee Handbook Written to Protect Employment At Will

At Will Employment – What Is It? “At Will” employment is the term used for the basic employment adage that an employer can fire any worker for any reason or for no reason at all… for good cause or bad cause; an employee is employed “at the will” of the employer and the employer determines […]

10 Strategic Tips For Employee Retention

How to Retain your Employees in 10 Easy Ways

Lots of Model Surveys are being used nowadays for the purpose of HR-benchmarking such as the classic Cross-Sectional Surveys, Longitudinal Surveys and other copyrighted Management Model Survey such as Engagement Model Survey, David Ulrich Models etc… but because of the complexity of human behavior a scenario of one survey conducted in one specific place is […]